Today was the big day: surgery
Since you started daycare in June, your little body has had a rough time fighting off infection . . . it's a common theme for newbies in that setting since nearly EVERY parent refuses to keep their sick children at home! A lot of moms and dads just can't afford to miss work, so they drop feverish kids off . . . all dosed up on Tylenol . . . and hope for the best.
It's rough, no doubt, but in the end, most kids in daycare build pretty tough immune systems!
You just haven't had the chance to really fight anything off!!
So today you had surgery . . . they put tubes in your ears and removed those pesky adenoids! Thankfully you came through it just fine . . . and you have the weekend to recover!!
I had mine taken out when I was 10 . . . along with my tonsils. While you suffered from one ear infection after another, I dealt with multiple strep throat issues.
We were in Spain at the time, and those medics (as they're referred to) have a reputation of being "butchers!" Maybe that's not really fair since they're educated and trained like other doctors, but most of those guys were trained for combat surgeries . . . not the routine care that kids need (remember that previous post about those shots we had to take before leaving for Spain?).
When you get your tonsils out, you're promised a lot of things that will make you "feel" better afterwards, and while promises of unlimited popsicles are doled out today, back then I was promised unlimited ice cream! Let me tell you . . . that excited me to no end!
Reality check: because we lived in Spain . . . on a military base . . . the hospitals and commissaries depended on regular shipments of goods. Guess what the hospital where my surgery was performed didn't get? Yeah, ice cream!! In lieu of that delicious frozen concoction, they brought me GREEN JELLO . . . fine it was frozen . . . it just wasn't ice cream!!! Disappointed is too kind a word.
After a couple of days in the hospital . . . just to be sure I'd be fine . . . they sent me home. The next morning I woke up in a pool of blood!! Maybe the surgeon didn't do a great job . . . maybe it was just a fluke thing . . . but the places where my tonsils once were burst. Everything turned out okay in the end . . . but still . . . no ice cream!
I'm so grateful your surgery went well. I get to stay home with you tomorrow; I do love spending time with you . . . no matter the reason.
"Everything heals. Your body heals. Your heart heals. Your mind heals. Wounds heal. Your soul repairs itself. Your happiness is always going to come back. Bad times don't last. Prayer helps." ~ Unknown
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