Your mom and dad married today . . . she was so beautiful . . . he was so handsome . . . the ceremony was perfect!
The weather cooperated too: gorgeous sunshine and temps in the 60's . . . couldn't have ordered better conditions!
I'm not exactly sure how YOUR day started, but I do know that you were with your mom from the get-go! I have pictures from the cabin . . . where all the girls (and you) got ready for the day. Thankfully there were many hands-on people to make sure you were taken care of since I had things to do as well.
The Captain and I finally showed up about 4:30, and by that time you were already dressed for the day as was your mom. A quick squeeze from you along with some pretty sweet kisses, and I got my first look at her . . . you were rather handsome . . . she was stunning!
Food was the reason I got to see your dad before the wedding . . . well, that and the fact that I had to deliver you to him to get your tiny little boutonniere pinned on by your Mimi.
Your dad and his groomsmen waited as patiently as they could . . . sometimes it's a little tough when you have something to look forward to.
And then your mom made her entrance . . . on Grumpy's arm . . . I couldn't decide who I needed to watch the most . . . your mom or your dad! She was beaming . . . he was nearly in tears. They both managed to make it through their vows without passing out OR falling apart!
So here's what happened next: when the music started you decided it was YOUR party! You pretty much spent the rest of the night on the dance floor . . . shakin' your groove thing! Of course, everyone gathered 'round to watch as pictures and videos were taken . . . you're quite the ham!
All in all it was such a wonderful day!