
My favorite Season

Friday, April 6, 2018

Old Stuff . . . Antique . . . Vintage . . . Nostalgia . . . By Any Other Name

6 April 2018

It really doesn't matter what you call it . . . I've always had a soft spot for old things. Oh, I don't mind modern . . . matter of fact, I like a lot of modern things. But there's just something about sitting down to an old typewriter . . . feeling the steel and ceramic with your fingers . . . watching the letters press up against the ribbon . . . leaving imperfect print on stark white paper. Most typewriters only had two type faces (or fonts): pica and elite

Typing was a required class in high school, and I loved it! Every time I sat down to the typewriter, I felt like an author . . . except that the first thing they made you type was this:

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

"Why?" you ask? Well, because that sentence uses all the letters in the alphabet . . . typing it over and over again trained your fingers to quickly find the keys. In the end, you had to pass a "speed" and "accuracy" test. I made an A in that class.

Authors like Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, and Dr Seuss spent many a night pecking away on typewriters . . . turning out award winning novels! On the flipside, some authors preferred pen and paper: Truman Capote, Vladimir Nabokav, and Andre Dubus II to name a few.

This is part of a typewritten letter from Ernest "Papa" Hemingway to someone in his family:

I don't mind writing by hand . . . in fact that's how I typically write my poetry . . . by hand . . . in pencil mostly . . . on scraps of paper . . . until something actually comes together.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Speaking of Exercise . . .

5 April 2018

Just so you know . . . I try to stay as active as I can for a lot of reasons! By far, my favorite workout is kickboxing!! After a really challenging day, it's nice to wrap up, pull on my gloves, and swing a few times at a boxing bag. It's amazing how much stress I let go of after an hour in BodyCombat class! As a matter of fact, I'll be heading to class shortly.

Les Mills, a company out of New Zealand has a whole bunch of "Body" classes: BodyAttack, BodyStep, BodyCombat, BodyPump . . . moves choreographed to music . . . very inspiring music.

And no, it's not a self-defense class like Grumpy thought . . . but it makes me feel powerful enough to be able to kick someone's butt on occasion!!

"Pain is weakness leaving the body!"

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Gym Uniforms

4 April 2018

Did you have to take a gym class in high school? I think the girls had to take it at least once a week, but I really don't remember. I, on the other hand, had gym class . . . starting in elementary school!!

Since I was a Navy kid, PT was a requirement . . . guess they figured if the Navy guys had to endure it, their kids would have to as well. In addition to the usual pull-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and push-ups, we were made to rope climb. The ropes were thick and abrasive . . . made of jute or manila hemp . . . some had large knots tied about every 4-5 feet . . . others had no knots which made the climb even harder! These ropes hung from the ceiling of the gym, and the boys were expected to climb to the very top while the girls only had to go halfway . . . guess where I climbed!!

We also did regular "gym stuff" too: dodgeball, basketball, flag football, tug-of-war, four square, relay races, red rover, and kickball.

Dodgeball was rough . . . especially if you weren't well liked. I think they've pretty much outlawed it in school since it's nothing more than throwing a rubber ball . . . as hard as you can . . . at another person's body . . . sometimes leaving red marks . . . worse . . . welts! Funny thing though: my generation started forming adult dodgeball teams a few years ago . . . bringing this bloodsport back to life . . . tournaments are held across the country. I passed on that since I didn't like it much as a kid.

For gym class though, by the time we reached middle school, we had to "dress out" which meant we had clothes specifically designed for gym class . . . so you could get dirty and sweaty and not ruin your street clothes. In my lifetimes, those gym clothes consisted of polyester shorts and a t-shirt (like the third photo), but some of the gym clothes worn in the past were ridiculous looking!!


Maybe you'll have gym class . . . maybe you won't. Maybe you'll get to wear fashionable gym clothes . . . maybe you won't. Either way, I sure hope like hell that schools decide to let you kids play outside a whole lot more!! You need to stay active either way!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Sunday

1 April 2018

Weird thing . . . not only is it Easter Sunday, but it's April Fool's Day! I'm not sure how I feel about that, but the last time it happened was in 1956 . . . the next time it will happen is 2029!

We didn't make it to church today . . . you were so exhausted, you slept until 9:30! Guess that wedding and all the dancing wore you out!! I didn't really mind too much since I was pretty darn tired too.

The Easter Bunny visited my house since your mom and dad were "honeymooning" in the cabin near the wedding venue.

Other than your Easter basket, nothing about today was traditional: no ham, no dyed eggs, no green bean casserole . . . we grilled hamburgers and brats and Auntie M's house. Later on in the evening, Greg, Jay, Nicole, Morgen, and Cole stopped by with pizza!

. . . but it was a good day.