
My favorite Season

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Great Grumpy Turns 80

29 January 2017

Your Auntie M and I ran out to Dad's yesterday afternoon . . . to celebrate his birthday. He's got this really great neighbor that planned everything out too, so all we had to do was show up . . . not a bad gig if you ask me.

I wish that your Great Grammy could have known the Osborns . . . I think she would have liked Kimberly a lot. They've lived right around the corner for years, but for some reason their paths never crossed. Not sure how it happened, but the boys discovered my dad . . . after we moved Mom to Knoxville. Kimberly and her husband John have 5 boys . . . and for the last 4 years, they've sort of made Dad's house their second home. Two of the boys, Levi and Peter, have helped Dad get some things done around the house, and he, in turn, has helped them with projects for Boy Scouts, their mom . . . it's been kind of a win-win thing for them. Kimberly has also cooked for Dad . . .

Honestly, I don't know what we'd do without them now.

Kimberly baked a cake . . . a burnt sugar cake . . . that Dad requested. She said it was her first attempt, and we all agreed it turned out well. By the time we left today, there was only about a quarter of it left! We had pizza too . . . courtesy of the Osborns!

Can you tell why we call him Grumpy?

And he blew ALL of the candles out!

We were also surprised by my cousin Allen . . . my Uncle John's boy (John is your Grumpy's younger brother). I couldn't tell you the last time I saw him, but it sure was good to reconnect with him. He still looks like he did in childhood . . . a little taller . . . a little greyer . . . still . . .

All of s Hahn cousins have decided to make an effort to get together . . . something we haven't done since we all lived in Key West . . . back in the 60's.

This morning we got up to freshly made cinnamon rolls . . . baked by Kimberly . . . delivered by Isaac, the youngest Osborn boy. Such a cutie pie kid . . . biggest grin I've ever seen . . . eyes filled with light . . . and born storyteller!

 Your Great Grammy wasn't there. I wish she had been. I really think she would be pleased that Allen came down . . .. . . and I really think she'd love Kimberly.

"A good neighbor is a priceless treasure." ~ Chinese Proverb

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