
My favorite Season

Saturday, April 1, 2017

April Fools

1 April 2014

I'm not much of a prankster . . . but I don't mind a good prank . . . matter of fact, I find great humor in well thought out pranks!

When I lived in Florida, I had some really good friends who had 4 kids . . . school age kids . . . perfect age for April Fool jokes. The night before April 1, the dad went around after the kids went to sleep and changed all the kids' alarm clocks . . . turning the time forward 6 hours. 11pm suddenly became 5am. Alarms went off at 6am . . . in reality it was MIDNIGHT!!

Of course Mom and Dad were already up . . . Mom had breakfast waiting while Dad herded the kids, who were whining about being tired, through their morning routines. After breakfast, Dad shuffled the dazed kids to the car and headed to school . . . kids still whining about being tired and how dark it was outside!

Only when they arrived at the school did Dad reveal the prank!

As he told the story to me, he and his wife broke out in laughter . . . tears streaming down their faces about how well it had gone over . . . how sucked in the kids were. The kids, on the other hand, still pretty mad about being fooled!

I hope today the kids tell that story with laughter.

I wish I were a good prankster . . . 

Here are some great pranks that corporations have pulled through the years:

I don't know which one's my favorite . . . it amazes me . . . how gullible people can be!

This quote is attributed to P.T. Barnum . . . of the famous Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus . . . you can't really know who said something first . . .

"There's a sucker born every minute!"


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