
My favorite Season

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Take My Advice

15 February 2017

You're going to hear that phrase ALL. OF. YOU. LIFE. . . . thing is, will you take it? Probably not. Everyone loves to dispense their advice . . . mostly because we all think we're the wisest people on earth because "we've been there; done that!"

Yeah, I've been there and done that . . . but I did it 20 . . . 27 . . . 32 . . . hell, I did that 45 years ago! Thing is, you're not me!

If you do a quick search of the internet . . . I just typed in "best advice ever" . . . all sorts of websites come up. Here's a screenshot of today's responses!

I Google stuff every now and again . . . just because. Sometimes I check out the sites, but more often than not, the responses sent aren't really what I'm looking for, so I start over. I decided to actually click on one of these links, and amazingly there was a piece of advice that I thought worthy of sharing. Read it or don't . . . eventually you're the one who has to make the decisions that will map the course of your life!

This one was written in another blog . . . written by some guy named Tim Urban. I have no idea who he is . . . everyone writes blogs these days. So without further ado, here's what he had to say:

What’s the Best Advice You’ve Ever Received?

Have you ever heard a piece of advice or nugget of wisdom that was particularly impactful and stuck with you for a long time? If so, tell us so we can have it too.

Tim’s Answer: I actually heard this one from a friend’s father at a group dinner back in college. He said something along the lines of:

When you’re figuring out what to do with your life, I think it’s a mistake to first decide what you want to do and then move to best location to do that thing. Instead, pick the place where you really want to live and go there. Your career will work itself out wherever you go.

Now, years later, looking at my own experiences and those of my friends, this definitely seems right on. A) It’s hard to stay happy for very long if you’re in a place you don’t like—whether because the culture rubs you the wrong way or you’re too far from people you care about or you’re neglecting some yearning to be somewhere else. And B) career paths are twisty and surprising and totally unpredictable anyway, and people never seem to end up where they planned.

Of course, certain professions are tied to one particular location, but most aren’t. So if you’re at a crossroads, and you’ve always wanted to live in San Francisco, but you have a connection that can get you a good job in your home town or somewhere else you feel lackluster about—move to San Francisco with no job. You’ll figure things out when you get there.

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Conversely . . . with a little bit of wisdom behind me . . . I'd simply add to find where you want to live, figure out what field of work is most popular there . . . as in "Who's hiring?" . . . and work toward that! Or choose a college in that area . . . 4 years of school will help you determine if you want to actually live there forever! However, if you're choosing the school option, be prepared! Out-of-state tuition is ridiculous . . . you might need to work your way through it!

PS: Take it or leave it . . . advice is advice . . . lived through these things . . . you're just starting out!

PSS: My advice is offered with the most love you can imagine

PSS: I love you

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