
My favorite Season

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

A Stick in My Eye and a Pirate's Patch

31 May 2017

That last pirate story reminded me of the time I had to wear an eye patch . . . for a week! I tried to convince people I was a pirate, but nobody took me seriously!

We were working out in the yard . . . I was cutting low-hanging branches out of a couple of trees . . . the girls were picking them up and tossing them on the mulch pile out back. Your Auntie M and Uncle Jack stopped by for a visit, so we chatted while I continued to cut branches.

Unfortunately I WAS NOT wearing safety goggles . . . 

I reached up to cut a branch about 2 inches in diameter, and I was having a little trouble getting the blades through it. I looked up to see how far I'd cut when the whole branch came down . . . large end hitting me in the eye! I immediately closed and covered my eye and went down to my knees . . . searing pain went through my whole body!

Everyone was freaked out . . . my sister rushed me to the ER just down the road! I was back in an exam room in 30 seconds flat . . . had still covering my eye . . . the other closed because I knew it had debris in it as well. The pain was excruciating!

When the doctor came in, he actually had to pry my hand from my eye . . . I couldn't make it work . . . his first words were "Well, it doesn't appear to have pierced your eyeball." THAT was good news for sure. He set about cleaning the shards from my eyes, taking great care not to do any damage. Then he brought out a needle . . . my sister came unglued!!! She thought he was going to give me a shot . . . frankly I did too, but I'd heard shots to your eyeball don't even hurt . . . and she wanted not part of it. I just told her to calm down or leave. After the doctor assured her he was simply going to blow air into my eye with the needle, she settled down.

After making sure he'd gotten every last piece of wood, he put a temporary patch on my eye and gave me instructions to see an opthalmologist to determine whether or not there was major damage . . . if I would have vision loss (I really couldn't see out of it).

Thankfully, according to the opthalmologist, there was no permanent damage, but he suggested I wear an eye patch for a week . . . to let it heal. The cornea, he explained, had a pretty deep cut, and it would hurt a bit as it healed . . . might feel like I still had a stick in my eye. Yep, it did . . . took forever too!

What's our take-a-way today? WEAR EYE PROTECTION!!!!!

"Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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