
My favorite Season

Friday, May 26, 2017

Bucket List: Legoland

26 May 2017

Santa brought my first Legos when we lived in Spain . . . greatest, most enduring gift in my life (I still have that original set).

Back in the 70's, the world was a much larger place. Social media didn't exist. Westerners were still  very foreign in many countries . . . there were some people who'd never even seen an American (and vise versa) . . . global news was generally read about in newspapers . . . Amazon was a river NOT a worldwide virtual mall . . .

. . . and Legos were made in Denmark.

I really have no idea if they were available in the US, but Legoland didn't exist in the US in the early 70's! The one in Denmark was built in 1949 and called Billund Legoland . . . located next to the original factory. Legoland opened around the world starting with Windsor in 1996, California in 1999, Germany in 2002, Florida in 2011, and Malaysia in 2012. I've never been to any of them!!!

Since we lived in Spain, which really wasn't that far from Denmark, I begged my parents to take me there. (Well, now that I've Googled it, it's about 1300 miles away, so I guess maybe it WAS too far . . . but still).

I suppose I could settle for going to Florida or California if I HAVE to, but I just think it would be really cool to venture to the birthplace of Legos!

EVERYTHING is made from Legos at Legoland . . . Denmark's park boasts pirate ships and dragons . . . two of my favorite things . . . even the Copenhagen waterfront was recreated!

"I have an insane calling to be where I am not." ~ Unknown

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