
My favorite Season

Monday, May 29, 2017

Decoration Day

29 May 2017

 I know . . . I know . . . it's currently known as Memorial Day, but this holiday, originally established after the American Civil War, was created to honor those who died serving our country . . . decorating their graves with flowers. It was actually created by the Union's (dang North'nuhs) Grand Army of the Republic for their dead.

In 1866, The Ladies Memorial Association of Columbus, GA passed a resolution to set aside a day to memorialize the Confederate dead . . . April 26th was chosen. If you check, it's the date that General Johnston surrendered to General Sherman at Bennett Place . . . the date that for many in the Confederacy actually marked the end of the Civil War.

History books tell you about General Lee's surrender to Lieutenant General Grant at Appomattox, on April 9, 1865 . . . that it ended the war. However, even Johnston's surrender didn't really mark the end of the Civil War . . . there were a number of other events that had to take place. This is but a few:

  • Disbanding of Mosby's Raiders (April 21)
  • Capture of President Davis (May 10)
  • Surrender of Kirby Smith (May 26)
  • Surrender of Cherokee Chief Stand Watie (June 23)
  • Surrender of CSS Shenandoah (November 6)

This picture was actually taken the day of General Robert E Lee's surrender . . . it's the courthouse at Appomattox.

The last battle that took place occurred in Texas on May 12 . . . The Battle of Palmito Ranch, but the war was not "formally" declared over until August 20, 1866 when President Johnson signed a Proclamation - Declaring that Peace, Order, Tranquility, and Civil Authority Now Exists in and Throughout the Whole of the United States of America.

It would be the 20th century before the two celebration dates would be combined! Memorial Day honors ALL Americans who died while in the military service. Don't confuse this with Veterens Day which honors the military SERVICE of ALL Americans!

Memorial Day is also the unofficial beginning of summer!

"America: Home of the free because of the brave"

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