
My favorite Season

Thursday, March 9, 2017

College Tip #4562

9 March 2017

Yes, it's an actual tip you're going to need for college . . . no, I just made up that number . . . I do it all of the time because there are probably thousands of things you need to know before you head off to college (or the real world).

Today's lesson: scanning documents

Actually, by the time you're old enough to read this, scanning will likely be passe anyway . . . I'm only putting this here because there are times when my jaw hits the floor . . . when it comes to how "technologically saavy" this new generation is.

Of course that's SARCASM . . .
. . . today's kids seem to know very little about technology . . . 
. . . in spite of the fact they have been raised by it!

Do me a favor!! As you grow up, learn as much about everything as you can! These kids I encounter today . . . the ones whose parents have literally handled every little detail in their lives for them . . . the ones who were handed a smart phone at age 3 with some stupid kid video playing so the parents could carry on a conversation while the kid stayed busy . . . these kids don't have a clue about how to function in a world where they carry some responsibility!

Don't be THIS kid:

“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” Albert Einstein

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