
My favorite Season

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Frog Level, Virginia

8 March 2017

Told you . . . I Google weird stuff . . . all the time!

 I was looking at a friend's FB profile the the other day and wondered where the town she lived in was, so I checked it out . . . it's where I almost wound up on my first trip to New York a couple of years ago . . . when I got really, really los . . . errrrrr . . . sidetracked! What are you talking about . . . lost?

She lives in Bluefield, Virginia . . . I didn't even know there was a Bluefield, Virginia! When I saw the sign that day, I thought I was headed for Bluefield, West Virginia!


So I pulled up a map, just to see, and when I zoomed out, I saw this name on the map: Frog Level! Who wouldn't want to look up a place called Frog Level?! Turns out, there are TWO towns in Virginia named Frog Level . . . one in Tazwell County, the other in Caroline County.

I don't think either town is really KNOWN for anything . . . Wikipedia claims the one in Caroline County was named because of the croaking frogs that appear in the spring!

The closest I came to one of those cities was when I stopped in Wytheville . . . home of the world's smallest church AND the world's largest pencil!

Learn to find amusement in everything . . . develop a real sense of humor . . . life is entirely too short to take seriously all of the time! Make the effort to discover new things wherever you wind up!

Now, looking at that picture, I don't think Wytheville is actually claiming the "world's" smallest church . . . it's just their smallest church. I guess this place claims that title:

Looks like another trip is in order!!

And you guessed it . . . that's NOT the world's longest pencil either . . . that title belongs to a pencil made in Germany in 2015 . . . it was more than 1500 feet long! BUT, Casey, Illinois boasts it's home to a really, really big pencil . . . a record 32' long! Seems this little town can't get enough of bragging about the world's largest something . . . they have a golf tee (30'), knitting needles (13'), crochet hook (6'), and wind chime (55') . . . and some guy is still building giant things there!

“Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.” ~ Dr Seuss

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