
My favorite Season

Thursday, March 23, 2017

How to Make a Toddler Cry

23 March 2017

It's funny what makes kids cry! I was checking out a Buzzfeed post today that featured the stupid things that make kids lose it . . . here are a few examples:

  • Mom told a little girl she had a big brain . . . little girl didn't want a big brain
  • Dad suggested a toddler boy should play with his train . . . toddler boy didn't want to play with his train
  • Little boy couldn't wear his brother's boots

That list could go on.

Some things that made your mom cry when she was a tiny tot:

  • Strangers wouldn't acknowledge her greetings
  • Touching grass
  • I once wouldn't give her a napkin (she shredded napkins into tiny, tiny pieces)
  • Not enough rubber bands
  • Too many rubber bands
  • If we wouldn't give her "stick" (she called tape stick) when she asked
  • The caveman doll her sister got for Christmas
  • Turning the TV off when her favorite commercial, one about chicken, was playing (there was Cajun music in the background which she loved)
  • Putting Erika, when she was a baby, into the wrong side of the car, your Mom's side
  • Reaching the end of a book

Most times, once the waterworks started, she was inconsolable . . . drove me nuts for a while until I figured out how to deal with it . . . 

. . . I just had to wait out the storm.

Wish I'd hung on to this thing . . . this caveman made a grunting noise when you squeezed his belly!

"Toddler (noun): emotionally unstable pint-sized dictator with the uncanny ability to know exactly how far to push you towards utter insanity before reverting to a lovable, cuddle-able child"

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